I have this incredible friend Anne who is a unbelievably fantastic writer. I approached her late last year to do a little trade. I wanted to give her the ultimate makeover and photography experience at my new studio. I wanted to pamper her, fuss over her, have her hair and makeup done by a professional and capture photographs of her at her most radiant. In exchange, Anne has blown me away the words she has used to describe my work and the experience that I offer – much of which you can read on this website.
Anne doesn’t get much time for herself. Most days, she wears her lovely long brown hair in a ponytail and spends her time chasing after her two adorable, rambunctious boys. Anne got to see just how incredibly beautiful she is at my studio.
Hair & Makeup: Rachel Wagner Beauty
To find out more about B2 Photography’s Beauty Sessions, click here.
“My session is one of the best things I’ve ever done.” – Anne (Read more here.)